

Articles of Association European Conductive Association (ECA)

European Association of Conductive Education / Promotion and Professional Practice

§ 1 Name, Registered Office And Activities

1.1 European Conductive Association (ECA)
European Association of Conductive Education/Promotion1 and Professional Practice
1.2 The Association is registered in Vienna.
1.3 The Association is mainly active in Europe. The working languages are German and
1.4 The creation of the following cooperating sections is planned:
(1) Specialized section for conductive research and development
(2) Specialized section for socio-political and legal matters and organization and
management of conductive professional practice
(3) Specialized section for communication and networking
(4) Specialized section for training and quality management
(5) Specialized section for providers and persons involved
1.5 The Financial Year of the Association is the calendar year.

§ 2 Purpose of The Association

The Association is a charity with the purpose of providing humanitarian assistance. It is nonpolitical
and non-religious. Its goals (=G) and respective tasks (= T) are:
2.1 G: the scientific and socio-political recognition of CE/P as a complex system of
education based in equal measure upon medical, therapeutic and pedagogical principles;
and the promotion of the same all over Europe.
T: by means of scientific work, in particular research, documentation and publications
in the field of CE/P.
2.2 G: A clearly defined description of Conductive Services for both clients and funding
bodies based on a transparent and certified quality system.
T: by creating consistent, accredited criteria.
2.3 G: Establishing CE/P and quality assurance of the same in CE/P venues or in the
framework of CE/P measures.
T: by means of continuously exchanging specialized information and assigning expert
consultants (authorized by the Association according to clearly defined criteria) and
continuous evaluation.
1 Referring only to the English version: The German term „Förderung“which integrates as well therapeutic
as pedagogic ingredients should not be translated just by „education“. Though the label “Conductive
Education – CE” is common in the English speaking countries, the term “Promotion” would be more
adequate. Therefore in the following we use CE/P as abbreviation.
2.4 G: To create a unified, European image of the profession of Conductor and to ensure
consistency in quality and quantity of Conductor Training in Europe and associated
T: By defining the EQCS (=European Qualified Conductor Status), as well as by
defining the standards of already existing CE/P qualification training and continuing
education programs.
By encouraging and supporting collaboration between the existing training
By exchanging lecturers, trainers, expert consultants, students and interns as well
as teaching materials etc through extracurricular, mandatory training courses.
By applying and further developing the results achieved in the scientifically backed
EU Project Comenius 3.1 (from 2000 to 2003) and the European Credit Transfer-Systems
accredited by the same.
By continuously evaluating the conductive theory and fundamental subjects in the
Conductor Training curriculum by means of documentation, statistics, general scientific
research, if need be in collaboration with universities, colleges and / or other scientific
By continuously controlling the certified training centers for student conductors.
2.5 G: Ideal, personal, organizational and material support for the foundation of new
conductive training and further education initiatives and their certification.
T: Offering consulting, lectures, seminars, symposiums, study programs;
exchanging lecturers, trainers, expert consultants, students, interns as well as teaching
materials etc.
2.6 G: Unification of all the qualified / active conductors of all National Associations in
Europe (holding qualifications recognized by the Association.)
2.7 T: By exchanging specialized information; organizational collaboration
2.8 G: The official and legal accreditation of the profession of qualified European
Conductor in the various countries.
T: By clearly defining the profession, which will form an integral part of these Articles of
Association, as a unified profession in the European Health and Education sectors.
By providing specialized information and negotiating with the social and political,
national and international professional bodies as well as with the responsible financing
bodies (health insurance institutions, education providers, social services)

§ 3 Raising Finances

(1) The Association will be financed by membership fees, donations, grants, bequests, fund
raising events and subsidies.
(2) The Association’s capital may only be used for charity.

§ 4 Members

The Members of the Association are divided into the following groups
a) Ordinary members: National Associations
b) Extraordinary members
c) Sponsoring members
d) Honorary members

a) Ordinary members of the Association are National Associations and joined individuals (see
§ 8 (2) f) who are committed to the purpose and the tasks of the Association, and support
its resolutions and activities in every respect and who pledge to pay the membership fees
regularly. These are:
Ordinary members are National Associations whose members are qualified conductors
recognized by the Association who have received their qualifications from one of the
following institutions:

  • Certified Conductors trained at the international Petö Institute in Budapest
  • Qualified Conductors trained at Wolverhampton University and the National Institute of Conductive Education, Birmingham, together with the Foundation for Conductive Education
  • Academic multi-therapy Conductors trained at the University of Vienna in collaboration with the “KFI – Wien” and the “Therapieinstitut Keil GmbH”, Vienna.
  • Pedagogical therapeutic conductors trained in the „Phoenix GmbH Konduktive Förderung der Stiftung Pfennigparade“, Munich in collaboration with the Bavarian Ministry of Culture and Social Services.
  • Graduates of other European training institutions such as Certified Conductors trained at the International Petö Institute, Budapest, in collaboration with other colleges/Universities (currently Keele University, University of Jerusalem or Navarra).

b) Extraordinary Members:

  • All persons who are committed to the purpose and the tasks of the Association and who support its resolutions and activities in a variety of ways.

c) Sponsoring members:

  • Physical or legal entities who regularly support the Association either materially or immaterially.
  • Benefactors and Sponsors who support the Association through special donations.

d) Honorary Members
Are persons who by merit of extraordinary achievements for or services to the Association,
nominated as Honorary Members by the Board and subsequently elected to become
Honorary Members by the General Assembly. In addition, outstanding members of the
public can form an Honorary Steering Committee.

§ 5 Admission of Members

New members are admitted by the Board after submitting a membership application. Membership
can be refused by the Board for no reason. Honorary members are first nominated by the Board
and subsequently elected by the General Assembly.

§ 6 Termination of Membership

(1) Membership terminates when
a) the member dissolves, in the case of legal entities (dissolution of the National
b) the member voluntarily cancels membership
c) the membership is cancelled
d) the member is expelled
(2) The Board must be informed in writing by recorded mail of voluntary termination of
membership at the latest three months before the expiry of the Association’s Financial
Year, which coincides with the calendar year. Membership will only effectively terminate at
the end of a calendar year. Late notification of termination will result in effective termination
at the end of the Association’s next Financial Year.
(3) The Board may cancel a membership without prior notification of this member if the
member has not paid the membership fee for three months despite having received two
reminders. Cancellation of the membership by the Board does not mean the fees still owed
are cancelled.
(4) The Board has the right to expel members
a) for dishonourable conduct or for activities harming the interests of the Association
b) for crudely breaching the duties of membership and violating the Articles of Association.
The member thus expelled must be notified by the Board in writing. The expelled member
may appeal at the next ordinary delegate’s assembly. The membership is suspended until
the Assembly of Delegates has reached a final decision. Whether or not the member may
appeal is up to the Assembly of Delegates.
(5) The Board can also ask the Assembly of Delegates to expel an honorary member for the
same reasons as the Board would expel an ordinary member.
(6) The rights and duties of the member are rendered null and void upon termination of the
membership or expulsion from the Association. The duty to pay any outstanding
membership fees, however, remains effective. Membership fees will not be refunded.

§ 7 Membership Fees

(1) The membership fee for each individual membership category is laid down by the Assembly
of Delegates at the request of the Board.
(2) The membership fees must be paid annually by 31 January.
(3) The Board has the right to reduce or cancel the membership fee under special, justified
circumstances either temporarily or permanently.

§ 8 Membership Rights

(1) All the National Associations who are ordinary members have active and passive voting
rights through their delegates in the Assembly of Delegates, the number of which depends
on the number of members of that National Association (for every 10 members 1 delegate)
(2) Individuals, who are certified conductors, recognized by the Association, and in whose
country no national Association exists can join foreign National Association. In the
Assembly of Delegates they can participate in advisory function and can take part in
(3) If a minimum of 5 individuals from the same country who join the same foreign National
Association, then these may appoint one delegate from their midst. If the number of such
individuals reaches 10, then they may found their own National Association.
(4) The Chairperson of the National Associations (or his or her deputy) serves as a delegate or
appoints a deputy in writing. Other additional delegates may be nominated by the
Chairpersons of the National Association.
(5) All members have the right to take part in the Plenum and the Assembly of Delegates in an
advisory function.
(6) All members have the right to take part in the Association’s events.
(7) All other members regardless of nationality, religion and sex have equal rights.

§ 9 Duties of the Members

All members shall protect and promote the interests of the Association to the best of their ability
and pledge to pay the agreed membership fees on the due date and to obey the Articles of
Association and the resolutions of its bodies and the arbitration board. The members shall refrain
from damaging the image and the interests of the Association in any way.

§ 10 The Governing Bodies of the Association

The Bodies of the Association are as follows:
a) The General Assembly of Delegates
b) The Board
c) The Advisory Board
d) The Auditors / Financial Officer
e) The Arbitration Board
f) The Plenum

§ 11 The General Assembly of Delegates

(1) The Assembly of Delegates is the highest legislative body of the Association.
(2) The General Assembly of Delegates meets once a year in the first six months of the year.
The Assembly is called by the President or the President’s Deputy.
(3) The date of the next General Assembly of Delegates shall be set at least half a year in
advance by the Board.
(4) The Delegates shall be given proper notice stating the agenda, the location and the time by
post or by e-mail 4 weeks in advance. The deadline for the notice begins when sent to the
address the member last communicated to the Board. Drafts of any motions to change the
Articles of Association shall be included in the summons.
(5) Any motions the Delegates may like to submit shall be made in writing to the President at
least 14 days prior to the General Assembly of Delegates. Motions submitted any later may
only be put to the vote if the majority of the General Assembly of Delegates agrees to do
(6) The General Assembly of Delegates shall be opened, presided over and closed by the
(7) On proper notice, the General Assembly of Delegates constitutes a quorum regardless of
the number of delegates present. This must be expressly pointed out in the notice.
(8) The General Assembly of Delegates is incumbent on the following tasks:
a) to appoint the President and the three Vice Presidents and the other Members of the
Board and the Auditors / Financial Officers for a four-year term in office;
b) to set the annual membership fee;
c) to hear the Board’s and the Auditors’ / Financial Officers’ reports; to release the Board
e) to amend the Articles of Association;
f) to nominate the Honorary Members;
g) to discuss and pass resolutions;
h) to decide if a Member may appeal against expulsion from the Association;
i) to vote on the liquidation of the Association but only if the General Assembly of
Delegates has been expressly summoned for this purpose;
j) to pass the rules of procedure stipulated by the Board
(9) The General Assembly of Delegates may pass ordinary resolutions with a simple majority in
favor. Special resolutions such as amendment of the Articles require a two-thirds majority
and the liquidation of the Association a three-quarters majority. If no simple majority is
reached for ordinary resolutions then the President has the deciding vote.
In the General Assembly of Delegates every delegate of a National Association has one
vote. Another member may vote by proxy. A delegate may only vote in the General
Assembly of Delegates for another delegate if there is written power of attorney. Any other
type of proxy is impermissible. A separate proxy appointment must be issued for every
(10) Minutes must be kept of every General Assembly of Delegates recording the resolutions,
the ratio of votes, the motions made as well as the resolutions, including all the details of
their validity as required by the Articles. The Minutes must be read and signed by the
Secretary as well as the person presiding over the assembly.

§ 12 The Extraordinary Assembly

(1) The President or Vice President is entitled to call an Extraordinary General Assembly.
(2) They must give notice of such an Assembly within four weeks at the specific request of
a) the Board
b) the Auditors / Financial Officer
c) the Advisory Body
d) at least one tenth of the ordinary Members
(3) The same regulations as for the General Assembly of Delegates apply to the Extraordinary

§ 13 The Board

(1) The Board consists of
The President
The first, second and third Vice Presidents,
The Secretary,
The Deputy Secretary,
The Treasurer,
The Deputy Treasurer
The Chairperson of the Advisory Body and the
Deputy of the Chairperson of the Advisory Body
Graduates of all the named or future educational institutions accredited by this Association
should be represented in the Board.

(2) The Members of the Board are elected for the duration of four years.
(3) If one of the Members of the Board is removed or resigns earlier, the Board is authorized to
nominate another Member until the next scheduled Assembly of Delegates.
(4) The Members of the Board exercise their duties on an unsalaried basis. However, the
Board can rule that expenses arising out of these duties may be reimbursed.
(5) The Board passes resolutions with a simple majority in favour; if the vote is tied the
Chairperson has the deciding vote. The Board constitutes a quorum when all members
have received proper notice and are present; absent members may be asked on the
telephone to vote on a resolution.
(6) The Board is duly convened by the President, or by one of the three Vice Presidents.
Proper notice of at least 8 days must be given if at least 5 Members of the Board wish to
call a Board Meeting.
(7) Minutes must be kept of every Board Meeting, the procedure being the same as for the
General Assembly of Delegates, and signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary.

§ 14 The Duties of the Board

The Board shall:
(1) hear the reports of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer about the daily operation
of business and the report of the Auditors / Financial Officers;
(2) perform the resolutions of the General Assembly of Delegates;
(3) admit and expel Members;
(4) be responsible for all the Associations funds and securities and assets;
(5) pass resolutions concerning annual forecasts and financial balances;
(6) take decisions regarding fundamental matters of business such as the acquisition or sale of
properties, taking out of loans or entering into financial obligations;
(7) appoint a General Manager and, as the case may be, hear his or her report.

§ 15 Duties of the Members of the Board

(1) The President or, if absent, a Vice President (in the order of his or her appointment)
represents the Association to the public and chairs the Board and the Assembly of
Delegates. He or she conducts the business of the Association and is empowered, in
urgent cases, to make rulings and to report on them after the fact to the Board.
(2) The Secretary, or if absent his or her Deputy, supports the President in managing the
organization; he or she is particularly responsible for keeping the Minutes of the Board and
Delegates Assemblies.
(3) The Treasurer or, if absent his or her Deputy, manages the finances of the Association.

§ 16 The Advisory Body

The Advisory Body is appointed by the Board and advises the Board in organizational, expert and
national affairs. It consists of up to nine ordinary members.
The Advisory Body consists of:
– representatives of expert sections and
– representatives of the individual countries
The Advisory Body passes resolutions with a simple majority and elects a Chairperson and his or
her Deputy. Both are also Members of the Board whose task it is to represent the Advisory Body’s
issues in the Board. The Advisory Body has the right to call extraordinary Assemblies of
Delegates. Graduates of all the educational institutions recognized by the Association shall be
represented in the Advisory Body.

§ 17 The Auditors / Financial Officers

(1) The two auditors are appointed by the Assembly of Delegates for the duration of four years.
(2) The auditors manage and supervise the financial affairs and the petty cash; publish the
financial report; and move to release the Board. They have the right to access and examine
the official accounting ledgers at any time.

§ 18 The Plenum

The Plenum comprises all the members of the National Associations as well as all individual
members of the Association. Its task is to discuss the Association’s issues on a broad basis, to
treat expert and specialist topics and to address the recommendations of the Delegates.

§ 19 General Manager

(1) The Board may nominate a General Manager by means of a simple majority. This person
may be an employee of the Association and his or her duties are to manage the office and
take care of and be responsible for the daily business in accordance with the Board’s
(2) The Board is authorized to bestow the status of sole authorized signatory on the General
Manager to transact certain types of business, defined in advance. This status can be
revoked at any time without naming reasons.
(3) The Board can remove the General Manager at any time without naming reasons by means
of a simple majority. The period of function of the General Manager covers 4 years.

§ 20 Employees

(1) The Board can employ staff. The employment contracts are drawn up by the Board.
(2) Employees of the Association have no voting rights in the Bodies of the Association for the
duration of their employment.

§ 21 Deputies and Authorized Signatories

(1) In the President’s absence, the Vice Presidents (in the order of their appointment) shall
represent the Association and Chair the Plenum and the Board meetings.
(2) The President and the Secretary sign all documents relevant to the Association together.
Documents pertaining to financial transactions are signed by the President or one of the
Vice Presidents or the General Manager, and the Treasurer.

§ 22 Dissolution of the Association

(1) The Association may only be dissolved in an extraordinary Assembly of Delegates called
especially for this purpose, by a three-quarter majority decision of all present, regular
members with voting rights.
(2) If the Assembly of Delegates decides to dissolve the Association, it must also decide on
what to do with the Association’s assets. The Association’s assets at the time of the
dissolution may only be used for non-profit organizations in accordance with (§§ 34ff BAO)
and, if there are no legal obstacles at the time of the dissolution, in particular for conductive,
non-profit educational institutions as ruled by the Board.
(3) In the case of dissolution by judicial decree the Association’s assets, as long as there are
no legal obstacles, shall also go towards a recognized, non-profit conductive educational
institution as ruled by the Board.

§ 23 Arbitration Board

(1) All disputes in connection with the Association shall be put before the Arbitration Board. It
consists of three arbitrators. The Arbitration procedure is as follows: the member of the
Association who wishes to appeal to the Arbitration Board must advise the Board of his or
her intention, and name the adversary and an ordinary member of the Association to serve
as arbitrator. The Board will then immediately notify the adversary and request him or her to
also name an ordinary Member of the Association as arbitrator within 14 days. These two
arbitrators then select a third arbitrator to chair the Arbitration Board. If the adversary fails to
name an arbitrator, the Board will appoint the second arbitrator.
(2) After hearing the adversaries, the Arbitration Board shall rule with a simple majority in all