Activities of ECA
The ECA is involved in a variety of activities to push their conductive education awareness work and achieve their goals.

ECA a partner of the worldwide digital platform for Conductive Education: ConductMe
ConductMe is a worldwide digital platform for everyone with an interest in Conductive Education to connect, educate, discuss and learn – for equal value for all.
As a partner of ConductMe we want to secure the future of Conductive Education. We believe that sharing knowledge is the key to a brighter future and together we can make a change.
We support the platform with information and our network. Partners of ConductMe are conductors, organizations, institutes and businesses, working with the concept of Conductive Education. We share the same goal: Spread and strengthen Conductive Education!
The founder of ConductMe, Eszter Horváth Tóthné, also conductor, is one of our ECA Board Members. ConductMe has gone live in 2021 and ECA is currently working with pressure on conductive material to be uploaded and made available for customer use.
ConductMe will speed up the spread of Conductive Education and highlight and manifest its potential.
The world is changing, ECA is part of it!
ConductMe is free for everyone to use!
Collaboration with Petö Faculty at Semmelweis University
The ECA works closely together with the Petö Institute, which is part of the Semmelweis University. Both organizations agreed on a common strategy and a close collaboration in the topic of the practical exchange of students.

Board Meetings
The ECA has two monthly board meetings where goals are set and information is exchanged about the status quo and future collaboration joined by the acting dean of the András Petö Faculty of Semmelweis University.
Attending Conferences
The ECA initiates and attends professional and medical conferences.
Conference in Brussels with European ministers for the purpose of recognition of the conductor profession
In 2017 it was possible to present the “European Introduction of the Conductor, the pedagogical rehabilitation professional” to the European Parliament in Brussels. The conference aimed to promote the interests of the European conductive community.
The conference was organized by Dr. Ádám Kósa, Member of the European Parliament and Dr. Andrea Zsebe Ph.D., acting Dean of the András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary.

Download: European Conference Information of Acting Dean of Semmelweis University, András Pető Faculty, 12 Sept 2017
Petö Day
Annually we meet at the Petö Day which traditionally takes place in November.
Below new medical findings are being presented.

Visiting Conductive Education Institutions around the world
To ensure the quality of the conductive programs world-wide and to acquire more members for our good cause the ECA travels around the world and compares the praxis and conductive programs of the various institutions.
The ECA also talks about the problems the institutions experience in terms of recognition, conductors, and funding.

World Cerebral Palsy Day WCPD
The ECA actively supports and promotes WCPD.

Networking with professionals and parents
During parent events, parent workshops and conferences the ECA networks with professionals, parents and disabled people to find out about their motor progress and newly gained abilities under the program of Conductive Education, as well as new medical findings and possible operations, aids and techniques.

Promoting ECA work
The ECA has issued 2500 ECA Flyers in one year.
The ECA issues two Newsletters a year and publishes news on facebook frequently. Also, a year-end review informs ECAs members and friends of their progress.
The ECA holds lectures at various professional conferences and has an ECA information desk with an ECA roll-up and ECA flyers.

Help to place conductor students into the conductive practice
The ECA brings conductor students in contact with the local conductive institutes for the purpose of Conductive Education practice. The Semmelweis Institute agreed on a practical exchange of students with some Conductive Education parent institutions to learn, compare and profit from one another.

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