Chrystelle Picard
Deputy Chair of Advisory Board

I am an educator of young children, Head of social and medical-social structures with a Bachelor of Science in Education. I have a child with CP. I founded a CE Centre in Alsace in 2016. I participated in the Conferences, in Budapest, in the restitution work concerning the Right of Reply, following the sociological study on CE, carried out by the CNSA, in France; I participated in a training, in Belgium «initiation to EC » and was registered to do the complete training, presented the EC at the FFAIMC Congress. Getting involved, allows each country to be represented at the ECA, benefit from its expertise by relying on different models to advance and recognize the EC, … more quality and efficiency in terms of charge, in the interest, well-being, better living and autonomy of all these people, children and adults, suffering from CP! Things are moving in France concerning the care of people with CP. Together, at the EU level, we will certainly be able to better move the representations on EC and fight for the acceptance of the profession.