László Szögeczki


I became one of the new board members of ECA. I wish to take a moment to introduce myself. I am married, father of two children and have been working as a teacher since 1990. I graduated as Conductor Education Teacher (CET) at Petö Institute, Hungary in 1998, as Education Specialist at ELTE, Hungary in 2003 (MA)  and just recently finished a doctorate program on Conductive Education at Liverpool JM University(MPhil). I have been working as CET since 1998 permanently and worked in USA, UK, and Germany. I was one of the founder member of both the German (Konduktorenverband, 2000, www.konduktorenverband.de) & United Kingdom (CEPEG, 2005) CE professional bodies. At present, I work as a CET at Phoenix GmbH, Germany.  I´m enthusiastic about joining  the board of ECA and look forward to working for the better future of Conductive Education in Europe.